A legal, organizational and technical environment, enabling universal internet-based secure data exchange between the members of X-Road and limited to the participants administered by one governing authority.

Below you can see some commonly used terms in Heldin in English.
- Term X-Road Instance (Heldarumhvørvi)
- Term X-Road governing authority (Heldardepilin)
Authority, that sets the requirements for using X-Road and establishing the procedure for using X-Road, managing and regulating participants of X-Road
- Term Member (Luttakari)
X-Road member / member – participant of X-Road entitled to exchange data/messages on X-Road.
- Term X-Road Delegate (Heldábyrgdari)
Appointed by the Member’s management, a person who will interact with the X-Road governing authority, on behalf of the Member. The X-Road delegate will typically hold the role of issuing and/or signing requests that are sent to the X-Road governing authority.
- Term Approved certification service provider (Sertifikattænastuveitari)
Provider of a trust service approved on X-Road, who provides at least following trust services approved on X-Road: service of authentication certificate of Security Server (see below), service of signature certificate of a member (see below), and certificate validation service (OCSP).
- Term Approved timestamp service provider (Tíðarstempultænastuveitari)
Provider of a trust service approved on X-Road, who provides the timestamp service.
- Term Authentication certificate of Security Server (Samgildisertifikat)
Qualified certificate of e-stamp issued by certification service provider approved on X-Road and bound to Security Server, certifying authenticity of Security Server and used for authentication of Security Servers upon establishment of connection between Security Servers. Upon establishment of connection, it is checked from global configuration, if the Security Server trying to establish connection has registered the used authentication certificate in X-Road governing authority (i.e. the used authentication certificate is bound to the ID of Security Server).
- Term Certification authority - CA (Sertifikat Myndugleiki)
An entity that issues digital certificates. A digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate.
- Term Certificate signing request - CSR (Sertifikatumbøn)
Generated in the Security Server for a certain approved certification authority for signing a public key and associated information.
- Term Signature certificate of a member (Sertifikat til arkamerki/undirskrift)
Qualified certificate of e-stamp issued by certification service provider approved on X-Road and bound to a member, used for verification of the integrity of mediated messages and association of the member with the message.
- Term Timestamp (Tíðarstempul)
Means data in electronic form which binds other data in electronic form to a particular time establishing evidence that the latter data existed at that time (EU No 910/2014)
- Term Timestamping authority - TSA (Myndugleiki fyri tíðarstempul)
An entity that issues timestamps. Timestamps are used to prove the existence of certain data before a certain point of time without the possibility that the owner can backdate the timestamps.
- Term Validation service - OCSP (Sertifikat staðfestingartænasta)
Validation service of the validity of certificate issued by certification service provider approved on X-Road.